space cadet flying, floating through space. commander called out through the radios "space cadet, pull out, space cadet". but something was wrong, and the cadet wasnt there. he was floating now, miles from base. ejected he spun. it was uncomfortable and made his head spin. he couldnt see properly. there was nothing to hear. it was a vaccum, no sound. awful. only things he could hear were his own thoughts. thinking about his death. hed die alone, in this blackness, noone'd know what happened to him. how terrifying the experience was. his captain called out to a pair of ears that could never receive the transmission. signal is inturrupted he looked around. it was dark. there was nothing to look at. he listened. he felt. there was nothing to feel but cold. no comforting warmth. no warmth. none like the warm glow of another holding you. like a mother. he tasted. he hadnt brushed his teeth. his spit tasted sour and bitter. it made his mouth feel humid, crawling with bacteria. gums crouded with plaqe. he smelled his unbearably humid breath in his helmet. over time he finally felt warmth, but only in the form of his rancid moist breath making him sweat. his face became unbearably sweaty and hot. there was nothing to listen to besides his exstistentially horrifying thoughts. im going to die in blackness alone. im going to live after this in blackness alone. his head hurt. his head THROBBED. IT HURT. IT HURT SO, SO TERRIBLY BAD. AND HE CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED. and then he died. they all failed him, and they killed him